Sunday, May 30, 2010

To dummy or not to dummy

So I haven't blogged in a bit, been hectic getting things ready for our overseas trip and with little Stellah not sleeping so well we've been pretty tired. I spent literally days of my life on the internet looking for tickets for us and when I found some real beauties I bought them very quickly, as the prices fluctuate from one day to the next. In my haste to bag a good deal I left us only a month to get passports and visas sorted and for those of us who aren't EU citizens, travelling is rough:) My family does get to travel with me for free though, just need to get the paperwork done at the German embassy.

So this leaves me very superly excited about going to Germany in 2 weeks!!!! From the sounds of things Thom has a wicked trip planned for us touring all the way from Berlin down to the South of Germany where we will fly from Munich to my Dad in Madeira (Portuguese island) for almost a week. I'm a little nervous about flying so far with our little bundle and trying to keep her quiet and occupied for 6 plane trips! I have been praying about it though and trust God will give grace when it is needed :) I'm also really looking forward to seeing my Dad and family there and introducing them to Stellah Faith, the first grand and great grandchild on my side of the fam!
It is a total bonus that Madeira is in fact an amazingly beautiful island, picture crystal clear water with a myriad of blue shades and lovely summer weather, yup, indeed a hard life to visit fam there. With about two thirds of our trip paid for by others this is a huge blessing from the Lord!

Things with Stellah are taking on a new form, I'm trying to rid her of her dummy. It is a new plan I came up with as the dummy was waking her up to 5 times in the night when it fell out, and naturally she would want us to put it back in and cried until this happened, after nearly 5 months I thought let me try some different tactics, this night shift just isn't fun. Well, after extensive reading on the internet, I thought I was ready and we went cold turkey on the dummy, well yesterday was the second day and in the eve she cried for 40mins straight and I caved and gave the dummy thinking it is perhaps a bit too harsh, the cold bird thing, and found that I am not able to listen to her cry for that long, so we are trying a more slow approach, like when we NEED IT and will see how that goes. I'm thinking the plane will be one of those we need it things. I am definitely a mouse and not a man when it comes to crying, so back to the dummy we go!

Other news on Stellah she has started to laugh, I just LOVE her laugh, I tickle her just under her chin round her little shoulders and she shuts her eyes and gives this cutesy chuckle that is one of the most awesome sounds I have ever heard! She is so lovely :)

She also, or rather I have, discovered the jumper, oh boy is this an amazing invention, its up there with toilet paper :) She just loves it and toddles around in the door, happy as a clam, during her niggle-time now and again.

Prior to this I have in fact turned a whopping 29, last year of the 20's and I must say that I actually love getting older! My walk with the Lord is maturing me, teaching me diligence and wisdom I could not even think of 10 years ago, whilst getting baptised. I have so very far to go though, each time I'm squeezed by God, out comes the nasty ink of sin from my heart and I realise this again but God is faithful and He will perfect me. He gets the glory!
We had such a lovely bday braai on the Saturday and had a couple of peeps around, praise God for a beautiful May day and a big garden! It was such fun, definitely up there on my good bdays list.

Charl bought me roses and chocies on my actual bday to make it feel more bdayish which was so cool of him

and I'm still loving my bday CD from Charl here is one of my favs:

C.S. Lewis song by Brooke Fraser

If i find in myself desires nothing in this world can satisfy,
I can only conclude that I was not made for here
If the felsh that i fight is at best only light and momentary,
then ofcourse I'll feel nude when to where I'm destined I'm compared

Speak to me in the light of the dawn
Mercy comes with the morning
I will sigh and with all creation groan as I wait for hope to come for me

Am i lost or just found? On the straight or on the roundabout of the wrong way?
is this a soul that stirs in me, is it breaking free, wanting to come alive?
Cos my comfort would prefer for me to be numb
An avoid the impending birth of who I was born to become

For we, we are not long here
Our time is but a breath, so we better breathe it
And I, I was made to live, I was made to love, I was made to know you
Hope is coming for me
Hope, He's coming


  1. Wow, so glad you're doing a blog...I've just read through the whole thing, so great to read about what God is doing with you guys - it's awesome how He's led you down this road. Stellah looks gorgeous, look forward to seeing her grow and change as you post new pics. The Lord continue to bless and grow you!

  2. How exciting, this whole overseas trip. ENJOY! Cant wait to see the pictures. With the dummy thing, I understand the pain of popping the thing back in the middle of the night, not nice. I love dummies, they have been such a blessing to us, but the night time thing is a downside. I think by only giving it to her, when really necessary, she won't be so very dependent on it. Try putting a spitting towel trough the dummy handle in the night. Just easier for her to find, and learn to put it back herself. Will keep you in our prayers, for all the preparation for the trip and the trip itself. XXX

  3. Thanks for the comments guys! Will be adding more asap! x
