Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Catch up

So much to tell, so little time! Since our overseas trip we've been quite the socialites. We've visited with friends in church, had Charl's Dad over twice, my Mom came too..we've been on a Cornerstone camp, boy was that cold, fellowship was awesome though. (Note to self: don't be hurrying to the Underberg for a camp in winter.)

So enjoyed getting to know the Short term missions team from Grace Community Church in California. Stellah was a huge hit and she just loved all the attention :)

News with our little sweetie involves having tried quite a varied amount of slushed up food and has not one but two teeth the left front came first. So she's right on the average of getting teeth around six months old. Today is her seven month birthday, she's such a little blessing. Love her to bits! She's still not sleeping like a champ but the Lord is using that to humble me and keep me very reliant on him for patience and kindness, which is all good. AND the last three nights or so she's slept through, so that's a record and I'm praying it continues. She bangs and shakes pretty much everything she can grab onto, while trying to shove it in her mouth, this results in a good biff on the head from time to time so she now does it with her eyes mostly closed, so cute! She quite enjoys going to the v-club at the gym and this has given me an opportunity to work on my weight, which is currently very close to what I weighed at nine months pregnant. Yikes, I know! Eating much bad in rabid-crazy-breast-feeding-hunger-rages didn't help, anyway spilt milk and all that ;) now to attack the fat!

Had some of our friends over for lunch today, so enjoyed seeing Ryan and Catherine again, they have the sweetest mini-me of Ryan named Jethro, its also been so cool to get to know Brian better and the Archers are way cool.

Just feeling thoroughly blessed tonight, have such a great husband too. Growing in my love for him, who knew.

Here's the link for some STM pics:

& for the latest Stellah pics:

Thanks for reading!